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25/05/2017–Present Retail Training Manager

Yves Rocher, Istanbul (Turkey)

Organizing, checking and implementing the learning and development activities for over 225 stores

operates in Turkey in accordance with global strategic targets, human resources policies to contribute

to reach international company aims by improving the training and development activities.

  1. Leading a team of 5 Trainers who are responsible of the delivery of trainings below;

- Product Information,

- Customer Service Principles,

- Sales Techniques,

- Botanical Beauty and Skin Care

- On the job trainings and Orientation Trainings

  1. Managing the training budget
  2. Determination the Behavioral and Technical competency level of employees with appropriate

measurement instruments, prepares and implements the development and training programs in

accordance with company policies and training needs.

  1. Localization and implementation of global training programs
  2. Designing the training efficiency evaluation tools
  3. Delivering the Leadership Trainings

14/07/2014–09/05/2017 International Senior Training and Development Specialist - Trainer

LC WAIKIKI, İstanbul (Türkiye)

Organizing, checking and implementing the learning and development activities in over than

38 countries,(MENA,CIS,CEE,RUSSIA regions) where LC WAIKIKI has retail activities in accordance

with Human Resources policies and to contribute to reach international company aims by improving

the training and development activities.

  1. Determines the Behavioral and Technical competency level of employees with appropriate

measurement instruments, prepares and implements the development and training programs in

accordance with company policies and training needs.

  1. Determines, develops and checks the appropriate assessment and evaluation tools in order to

increase the efficiency of trainings at Head Quarter and other countries. ( E-learning, Portal, Booklet,

including all types of documents)

  1. Sets the training standards of store personnel in the countries, prepares the content of trainings,

makes sure that the content of the trainings are conveyed effectively and provides the continuity of the

training activities by training internal trainers.

  1. Prepares standard orientation programs for Head Quarter Positions / International Head Office

Positions / Store Positions and gets them implemented.

  1. Executes the internal promotion processes in accordance with level transition procedure,

determines the most appropriate resources and organizes training programs.

  1. Prepares The International Retail Management Trainee Programs, applies the program/ follows the

application, makes the evaluations and makes improvements according to the evaluation results.

  1. Prepares "The Management Trainee Programs" in accordance with development policies in the

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Curriculum vitae Hüseyin Salman

countries, applies the program/ follows the application, makes the evaluations and makes

improvements according to the evaluation results.

  1. Delivery of the core trainings (Leadership Culture, Success Through People - Teamwork,Service

Principles,Train the Trainer...)

  1. Conducting the Training Need Analysis Process for all countries
  2. Training and supporting Internal Trainers Team (10 countries)

17/09/2012–11/07/2014 Learning and Development Specialist - Trainer

United Parcel Service (UPS), Istanbul (Turkey)

- Continuously update and track progress of Talent Management System of UPS Turkey. (QPR,

Career Development, Succession Planning)

- Reporting Talent Management outputs to Europe Region L&D Manager (Brussels) on a monthly


- Delivering / Facilitation of global corporate training programs ( Leadership trainings, Train the

Trainers, Communication Skills etc.)

- Continuously update and track progress of the deployment of training programs

- Develop Project Plans and assign tasks to resources to ensure that the project will be completed in

time and according to specifications

- Designing new trainings upon the results of need analysis

- Organizing external trainings with third parties

- Managing e- learning processes in Turkey, conducting the LMS operations.

- Measurement of the effects of trainings.

- Conducting yearly training plans & training budget

03/09/2011–10/09/2012 Financial Auditor

PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Istanbul (Turkey)

- I've worked under the guidance of a senior professional to review the corporations' internal controls

and procedures.I've worked to ensure that these procedures are effective,adequate and conform with

industry practices,corporate policies,regulatory guidelines and generally accepted accounting

standards (IFRS,ISA...)

10/06/2009–18/06/2010 National Learning and Development Responsible-Trainer

AIESEC Turkey, Istanbul (Turkey)

NLDR is a position that supports AIESEC in Turkey in driving the Sub-systems approach with focus

on the entire experience from member, to communication and on to alumni.The role of this position is

to support the AIESEC in Turkey to achieve our goals in some key areas (Talent Management).

Main Role of National Learning and Development Responsible - Trainer:

- Building awareness of education and self-development among AIESEC member.

- Tracking Talent statistics from aiesec.net and creating LC reports.

- According to statistics revising Member Education Cycle

- Tracking MEC (Member Education Cycle) implementation of LCs

- Delivering online trainings in necessary issues.

- Chairing the taskforce teams in relevant issues

- Facilitating at National Conferences (ATEMCO and NATCO)

- To provide main trainings of Expansion LCs (If they need that)

- To support LCs during some critical processes (Recruitment, Induction, some important activities of


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Curriculum vitae Hüseyin Salman

LC Visits Expansion LCs Part:

***LC (Local Committee)



Bahcesehir University / Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul (Turkey)

Master's Degree - Human Resources Management

GPA - 3.67 / 4.00


Dokuz Eylul University / Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Istanbul


Business Administration

15/12/2007–17/05/2010 International

AIESEC ( These conferences held by AIESEC Turkey and external trainings were provided

by DHL,Unilever,ING Bank,Microsoft,Cadburry,PwC and WWF (Turkey)

Leadership Development

Personal Branding

Communication Skills

Team Building

10/09/2008–14/09/2008 International Train the Trainer Certification Program (5 days) International

The Conference held by AIESEC Romania and external trainings were provided by Dale

Carnegie Training,Interact,Boom TV,Foreground,De Klausen., Brasov (Romania)

- Adult Learning

- Training processes

- Interactive methods of delivery

- Communication Skills

- Audience management

- Q&A techniques

20/08/2015–21/08/2015 Certification Program - Situational Leadership

Blanchard International, Istanbul (Turkey)

03/10/2016–04/10/2016 Certfication Program - Mentorship for Managers

Adler Central Europe

09/10/2014–10/10/2014 Train the Trainer

TMI, İstanbul (Turkey)
